Assembly and testing services

Assembly and testing services

Quality assembly ensures reliable hydraulics.

We offer high-quality assembly and testing services for hydraulic components

We invest intensively in the cleanliness of the systems we supply. Thus, all our assembly and testing operations take place in a cleanroom isolated from the rest of our production. Read more about our cleanroom.

Our assembly service includes:

  • Component manufacturing
  • Other component acquisition
  • Assembly and testing services
  • Storage and delivery

If you wish, we can create a fully tailor-made production plan for your system that adheres to carefully standardized processes.

This kind of strategic partnership enables the most efficient and high-quality way to manufacture hydraulic products.

Hydraulic systems
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What does strategic partnership mean?

Strategic partnership enables the utilization of our services in a way that saves time and money.

Partnership can be tailored by the following services:

  • Component design / further development
  • Component manufacturing
  • Standardization of production processes
  • Subassembly / system assembly and testing
  • Necessary acquisitions from third parties
  • Storage / delivery of prefabricated systems

Customer benefits:

  • Assembly and testing operations are performed in connection with manifold manufacturing.
  • The logistics costs of components are significantly reduced as packing and unpacking operations are reduced.
  • As transfer is reduced, the possibility of contaminants entering the system decreases.
  • Responsibility for the manufacturing process lies with a single party.
  • Quick response to problem situations.
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Contact our sales
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Teemu Määttä

Sales Manager
+358 50 453 2425

Request for quotation


    ST-Koneistus Oy
    Hopeatie 3
    33470 Ylöjärvi

    Puh. +358 10 229 3100
    Fax +358 10 229 3110